How to choose seat bed bus to Hanoi-Sapa?

Is seat beds your choice when traveling to Sapa? will tell you some necessary experience. Do not miss the following information, its very useful!

The following experience will surely make you surprised because it helps you avoid bad situation while traveling Sapa/

1. Buy tickets

Choose reputable brands with high quality to purchase ticket! When ordering tickets, buy a roundtrip ticket.

You should book your roundtrip ticket

You should book your roundtrip ticket

2. Select locations to lie on bus

Buses usually have 3 rows of beds, each row has 2 floors. If you are pro-choice, you should choose a bed in the middle rows and is located downstairs. That will facilitate the boarding and alighting, reduce sway when bus runs through the loop. If you are traveling with family, you should choose a double bed at the bottom of the first floor.

Select your ideal place  for your  journey

Select your ideal place  for your  journey

3. Luggage storage

Due to the design of beds, space here is limited. You should not carry bulky luggage on the bed, but put them in the basement of the bus. You should only carry the essential items. Take stock luggage to avoid being lost or confused!

Put luggage in the bus tunnel

Put luggage in the bus tunnel

4. Preserved footwear

To ensure hygiene in bus, you will not be going both up in his chariot shoes must be removed and put them into plastic bags. In seat bed, you should take a simple sandals for ease of boarding and alighting, and bag your own shoes, bring up the bed to avoid other people go wrong.

Put shoes in bags feathers and self-preservation when going to Sapa by bus

Put shoes in bags feathers and self-preservation when going to Sapa by bus

5. To ensure safety on bus

Sapa has a lot of downhill slopes, bends can cause bus shaking or tilting. Therefore, to ensure safety for yourself, especially if you lie in bed upstairs, please buckle up tightly!

Do not forget to buckle up while lying in bus

Do not forget to buckle up while lying in bus

With the experience extremely small but necessary above, hope that you will have a safe journey and most comfortable to Sapa.

To be consulted and order the best tickets with professional service, you can call 0906.80.90.95 - You also can visit to refer to the schedule from Hanoi to Sapa!

CALL NOW: (+84) 906.80.90.95 (Mr Truong John) - (Mrs Vy)


Address: 42 Ma May Street, Hoan Kiem District, Ha noi

Tel: (844)3926.1687 - 3926.1688

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Please call:/Whatsapp:  (+84) 989661264 - (+84) 937809095

(Mr Truong John)

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